Which option describes your goals/needs best?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

1 / 9

Do you experience any pain or Suffer from any conditions?

Select all that apply

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

pain & Discomfort
2 / 9

Can you actively splay your toes?

With your feet on the ground, try spreading all your toes out as wide as possible.
3 / 9

Does your big toe align?

Imagine a line from your big toe to your ankle, does it look straight or does your toe curve inward or outward?
4 / 9

Do you see Gaps between toes at rest?

Without flexing or moving your toes, is there space between each (or the majority) of your toes?
5 / 9

Can you raise your big toe?

Can you raise or extend your big toe while the other toes stay firmly on the ground?
6 / 9

Can you abduct your big toe?

Try moving your big toe to the left and right away from your other toes.
7 / 9

can you splay your toes while on one foot?

Lift your other foot so all your weight is on one foot, can you splay or spread your toes on the foot that is on the ground?
single leg
8 / 9

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

What is your shoe size?

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Shoe Size
9 / 9
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